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Join date: Jun 3, 2022


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MegaDots Free Download is a DOS braille translation program. It is a very versatile braille translator and is much more powerful than other braille translators on the market today. MegaDots prints basic Braille documents in plain braille with no style or formatting. It also has powerful capabilities for formatting volumes.It supports the most popular DVT font styles as well as the DBT font style. MegaDots can also support DBT graphics. One of the most sophisticated and unique features of MegaDots is the ability to search through DVT and DBT Graphics. MegaDots has the following features : - Prints plain braille in simple and interesting styles - Automated Braille Documents - Rich Text Formatting - Advanced DVT Styles - All major DVT fonts - 48 DVT fonts - Searchable DVT graphics - Searchable DBT graphics - Prints Complex Volume Style - Translates Basic Text - Translates Rich Text - Translates SVG as Graphics - Allow you to write SVGs - XML or jpeg - Massive flexibility for sizing pages - pages can be varied up to 500% of original size. - Automatic graphics rotation - Prints PDF! - Works with 3D Braille and 4D Braille as well as CBT - Works with shape modifications - Searches through DVT and DBT graphics - Change/reset transpose and line spacing - Change minimum and maximum DVT page size - Print directly to file - Print directly to DVT - Print directly to DVT using DBT. - Print directly to DVT using CBT - Ability to convert to RPN - Ability to convert to Braille Cropped - Ability to set a minimum DVT page size - Ability to set a maximum DVT page size - Ability to set a minimum CBT page size - Ability to set a maximum CBT page size - Ability to select and translate a table of data - Ability to synchronize selected DVT page size - Ability to synchronize selected CBT page size - Ability to change the braille size you're translating too - Ability to include/exclude lines that have been translated - Ability to report translated text - Ability to include/exclude lines that have not been translated - Ability to change the size of your translated text - Ability to cut 08929e5ed8

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